Life Lessons at 42: From Stubborn Lone Wolf to Strategic Thinker

Last week I hit 42 years young! (May 10th as a note for your calendar next year 😉)

Looking back at the roads travelled and the paths not taken, today I’m doing a bit of a different article and sharing how overlooking these critical aspects delayed my progress and the lessons I learned the hard way.

Hopefully to inspire you to make smarter choices, than my past choices, in your personal and professional life.

The High Cost of Stubborn Independence

In my 20’s and 30’s, I prided myself on being a lone wolf, stubbornly resistant to the idea of mentorship. 

I believed that I could figure things out on my own, convinced that seeking help was a sign of weakness. 

If I'm honest I still struggle with asking for help from anyone (stupid pride lol) but I am getting over it as it's not a good quality of mine. 

Mainly because I learned, painfully, that it delayed my progression by years. 

The truth is that having a mentor who has been where you want to go and can just give you the roadmap accelerates your growth and helps to avoid common pitfalls. 

If there’s one thing I’d change, it would be to embrace the wisdom of those who walked before me much earlier in my journey.

Misplaced Investments: More Than Just Money

Not only did I delay seeking mentorship, but I also misallocated my personal investments. 

Instead of investing in my growth and development, I splurged on temporary pleasures - holidays, clothes, anything fun…. 

Now don’t get me wrong I still love those things but investing in myself was unheard of.  

Paying for a $3k vacation - No big deal… 

Spending that on getting further ahead in my health journey - No way.

It’s funny how the temporary pleasure of a few weeks of a vacation was way easier to spend money on.  

Totally illogical if you think about it, but there we go.  That was my past reality.

It took me years to realise that investing in myself—through education, health, and personal development—is the most profitable investment you can make. 

The shift to investing in myself was a game changer really, as it impacted every aspect of my life positively.

Fitness Faux Pas: The Gym Misadventures

My approach to fitness mirrored my earlier missteps—unstructured and inefficient. 

I spent years in the gym without a clear plan, randomly selecting exercises that seemed right but led nowhere. 

It wasn’t until I adopted a structured workout program that I started to see real results. 

If I could go back in time I would change this instantly, I wasted YEARS doing inefficient workouts that got me okkkkk results but nothing that noteworthy. 

I especially remember the time one of my ex-boyfriends came to the gym with me and said ‘you think you’d look much better for the amount of effort you put in when you workout’ - Lovely 😐.

This was many many years ago but those throwaway comments stay with you…

This lesson in the gym is a metaphor for life: having a plan and following a structured path will lead to optimal outcomes.

Cardio Overkill: A Washed-Out Effort

In an attempt to stay in shape, I once believed more cardio meant more weight loss. 

This not only proved unnecessary but also became a logistical nuisance, involving far too many post-workout hair washes (hey, I have long hair and it's a nightmare to dry - just saying 😂). 

Learning that effective exercise isn’t about quantity but rather the quality and appropriateness of the regimen was a game-changer for me.

Who wants to waste hours doing cardio when you don’t need to?  That makes no logical sense.  

Unless you really enjoy running?  Then I guess we are not the same lol

I run a worldwide business and I don’t have time to live in the gym, therefore effective workouts are key for me to manage my time for maximum results.

Strategic Vision: Charting the Path Forward

Every week you hear me bang on about strategy and that is because without a clear destination, every road looks promising but often leads nowhere. 

Developing a strategic vision for both personal fitness achievements and professional success has been crucial. 

This vision acts as a roadmap, guiding my decisions and ensuring that each step takes me closer to my goals. 

Having a defined strategy has been key in navigating through life's complexities with purpose and direction.

Everything I do, I ask myself, is this aligning with where I want to go?

Although everyone knows that I also drink cocktails and also eat out a lot, so as long as you have a plan, that can still lead you to aligning with your goals.  

Weight loss doesn’t have to be boring and have you living on chicken and broccoli.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: A Never-Ending Journey

The pursuit of knowledge has been a cornerstone of my life. I am OBSESSED with learning.  

I think I have always had something to prove as people have always judged me on how I look, so therefore I have always tried harder.

That and the fact that I am a naturally curious person by nature and I love to learn.

Having completed multiple courses and read over 250 books, I've realised that learning never truly ends. 

Each book and course not only enriched my understanding but also kept me adaptable and competitive.

Lifelong learning remains a key driver in my continual growth and adaptability.

But there's only one thing better than learning… 

Implementing what you learn, otherwise you are just a library of information 

So you must go do the thing to get the thing (solid technical advice there I know lol)

Conclusion: Time, the Irreplaceable Currency

Each of these lessons taught me that while money can often be earned back, time cannot. 

The importance of using your time wisely, investing in the right areas, and seeking guidance when needed cannot be overstated. 

As I share these insights, my hope is that you will consider how you are investing your time and resources and whether you might benefit from the support of a mentor. 

Don’t wait to make these essential investments in your life; the right time is now.

You know where I am 😉 

Book in for a free call here

Always remember that strategy is your friend.  

Until next week friends!

If you aren’t already subscribed to my free newsletter then I send out articles every week on all things weight loss but without giving up your favourite foods or doing endless cardio…

You can subscribe for free here

P.S Whenever you are ready you can take the first step to us working together by booking a free no obligation call.

By us working together, I can simplify and strategically plan your weight loss journey for you without you having to give up your favourite foods or do endless cardio to get results that last. 

You can take the first step by booking in for a free 15 min call here


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