Frequently Asked Questions

  • The simple answer to this is yes! There are no massive restrictions with the clients that I work with. Anyone that knows me, knows that I love food, food is life in my world. Massive restrictions lead to an all or nothing mindset which will always lead to failure. Long term success is where it's at in this plan.

  • Yes, although I tend to primarily work with high level male professionals - CEOs/executives/business owners/vice presidents and entrepreneurs. This is because I think and work very logically and strategically so this is a good fit I find.

    However yes I also coach women too, I have trained everyone from the very beginner who is just starting out and is totally lost on what to do all the way up to professional athletes.

  • I don’t do copy and paste programmes so it’s impossible to give a price without speaking to you as I don't know the level of coaching you need, your current situation etc.

    It’s a bit like going to a doctors office and expecting a prescription without first telling the doctor your symptoms. This is why I do calls with everyone interested in learning more about my coaching so I can get to know more about your life, your goals and where you are at currently so I can give you a step by step answer to what a successful coaching plan for YOU would look like.

  • Well I’m 40 so I’m not that far behind you! But no, the majority of my clients are between the ages of 35-55 years old and still get incredible results. Age is just a number!

  • I work fully online with clients worldwide. I currently have clients all over the world in England, the USA, Spain, Scotland and Ireland.

    I get better results with people online than I did as a face to face PT. Why? With face to face training there is only so much you can do as you only have that hour with the client. Whereas this is a complete game plan for the whole 90 days, every day you will know exactly what you need to do to achieve results.

    As I am online I can also provide my clients full support whenever they need to coach them on nutrition, workouts, mindset etc and provide support/accountability around the clock which far exceeds the one hour support weekly you get attending a one hour session in person once or twice a week

  • Both! I've got you covered with effective home training programmes and gym programmes, you tell me what suits you best and I create a plan to suit your individual needs.

  • You and me both! I am not a massive fan of excessive cardio and rarely recommend running. Running isn't ideal due to the impact on your joints whilst you run. Your main form of cardio will be low impact walking through getting your daily steps and no I never programme burpees!

  • Yes, there is a clear plan set out for your individual needs in my elite body transformation blueprint and you will get clear personal goals with a specific strategy to achieve them.

  • Definitely not. Results on this programme are from scientific strategy and applied knowledge, not from a pill or potion. You will not be expected to invest in any supplements in order to get results.

  • Yes, the most important thing for success is being able to maintain your results with a programme that suits your lifestyle. That's why I want you to eat with your family and enjoy your food.

  • Yes, the programme is fully customised out to you and your wants and needs whilst getting you results that last. I have worked with many people who have food intolerances or who are vegetarian or vegan.

  • On the programme you will be using my app which works on both apple and android. All of your customised workout programmes will be fully loaded into your app with educational videos to show the exact technique to get you optimal results as well as fully written exercise instructions so you are safe in the knowledge of knowing exactly what to do to get you the results you want.

  • You will have direct 1-1 access to me. You'll never be left with an unanswered question or a plea for help being unsupported. I have your back completely and will be checking in with you to make sure you are getting it done aka getting you guaranteed RESULTS. We will also have 1-1 calls as well as a weekly check-in of your body stats so you are kept on track and we know when to tweak your programme to get you the best possible result. If something isn't working for you, we then course correct accordingly so you keep getting results.

  • I've got you covered. All of your exercises will not only have detailed written descriptions of how to perform them with the correct technique but also videos to visually show you how to do the exercise properly

  • No problem! I will recommend some basic weights and resistance bands to get so that we can have a resistance to work against to get you the best results.

  • Yes, this is why this programme is so successful. You have weekly feedback that looks at your progress. Are you going to stick around? Then we will look for a solution together with you.

  • No, the aim of the programme is to give you a hot body! Crash dieting isn't the answer. The goal is to keep eating as much as possible whilst your fat melts away

  • Some clients who have more weight to lose or want to take their physique to the next level will continue to work with me on a month by month basis.

    Regardless I will give you feedback on how to continue getting results for yourself. This programme is an educational fitness programme with the goal of giving you GUARANTEED results whilst teaching you how to maintain them for the rest of your life without giving up the foods you love or doing endless cardio.

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