How I Lost 45lbs and Kept It Off for Over 10 Years at Age 42: 10 Proven Tips

Losing weight is one thing; keeping it off is another ball game entirely. 

I’ve lost 45 pounds and kept it off for over a decade, even as I’ve reached the ripe old age of 42 👵🏻 (jokkinnnggg)

If you're looking for real, actionable advice to help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals, you're in the right place. 

Here’s how I did it with 10 proven tips to keep you on track:

1. Strategy

I discovered the magic of strategy. I used to live on a permanent diet, which wrecked my metabolism. 

Through strategic eating (ironically eating a lot more for a period of time), training (no cardio, all weights) and planning (structured programmes instead of doing whatever I rocked up at the gym and felt like doing), I rebuilt my metabolism. 

Maintaining your weight is just as crucial as losing weight, if not more so…

I find people really focus on weight loss (I also used to do this), but maintaining your weight loss is where the real prize lies, because who wants to keep losing weight over and over again?  Been there done that, and it wasn’t fun…

2. Food Freedom Mindset

By letting myself eat whatever I want, I stopped seeing foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Now, cake and I are on speaking terms again, and it's glorious. 

This food freedom mindset allowed me to enjoy my favourite foods without guilt and broke the massive temptation towards them I felt when I was told I ‘couldn’t have them’.  

I swear back then my cookies used to call my name from the cupboard - No joke 😂

3. Rejecting Fad Diets

I kicked fad diets and strict rules like keto to the curb. 

I literally used to think carbs were the devil but with some more education I have come to understand that isn’t the case.  

Besides, life's too short for all that nonsense, and it's also not necessary. 

I've embraced a more balanced approach, and my sanity thanks me daily.

4. Understanding Weight Loss Science

Understanding the science behind weight loss put me in the driver’s seat. 

No more mystery body rebellion—just me, armed with knowledge, feeling like a weight loss superhero. 

Knowing how my metabolism works and how different foods affect my body made all the difference.

5. Guidance

Hiring a coach was like having a cheat code for permanent weight loss. 

It helped me avoid putting the weight back on and saved me from years of wandering around lost in yo-yo dieting circles. 

The guidance I received was invaluable in keeping me accountable and motivated.

6. Structured Weight Training

I follow a structured weight training program to boost my metabolism and build muscle, which helps me burn more calories even at rest. 

Incorporating a structured weight training program, that is altered every 4 weeks to ensure progression, into my routine has been a game-changer for maintaining my weight loss.

7. Increased Daily Movement

Instead of doing cardio at the gym, I’ve incorporated more daily movement like walking, taking the stairs, and if you’re in an office then try a standing desk to keep active throughout the day. 

These small changes add up and make a big difference.  

I actually don’t do any cardio at the gym anymore - ironically I used to do a lot of cardio when I was overweight. 

I have nothing against cardio but it's not the optimal most time efficient way to lose body fat as it doesn't do much for your metabolism.  

8. Flexible Eating Patterns

I listen to my body's hunger signals. 

Sometimes I eat more (often lol), sometimes less, but I avoid weeks of overeating to maintain a more balanced approach.

This flexibility allows me to enjoy my meals without feeling restricted.

If I do have weeks of overeating (meh, it happens) I reign it back in and get back on track before my weight starts to spiral.

9. Data Tracking

I track my food intake, workouts, and progress to stay in control and make informed adjustments to my plan. 

This data-driven approach helps me understand what works best for my body and keeps me on track.

10. Set End Goals

Having specific end goals helps me stay motivated and focused, especially when progress feels slow. 

Working towards something tangible keeps me on track and gives me a clear sense of direction. 

Setting both short-term and long-term goals has been essential in my weight maintenance journey.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining weight loss is a lifelong journey, but it doesn't have to be a struggle. 

With the right strategies, mindset, and support, you can achieve and sustain your weight loss goals. 

Remember, it's about progress, not perfection. 

Get a plan, stay positive, and find what works best for you. 

Your future self will thank you!

Need some more support? You know where I am 😉 

Book in for a free call here

Always remember that strategy is your friend.  

Until next week friends!

If you aren’t already subscribed to my free newsletter then I send out articles every week on all things weight loss but without giving up your favourite foods or doing endless cardio…

You can subscribe for free here

P.S Whenever you are ready you can take the first step to us working together by booking a free no obligation call.

By us working together, I can simplify and strategically plan your weight loss journey for you without you having to give up your favourite foods or do endless cardio to get results that last. 

You can take the first step by booking in for a free 15 min call here


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