Achieving Optimal Results: The Power of 3 Weekly Workouts

In the pursuit of fitness goals, the prevailing belief is often centred around the need for daily punishing workouts #nopainnogain🙄. Unfortunately this approach can be counterproductive, leading to burnout, injuries, and lack of long-term adherence. 


Today, we'll explore the evidence-backed concept of working out just three times a week to achieve remarkable results. Not only is it sustainable, but it can also elevate your metabolic rate, offer dietary flexibility, maximise fat burning, and most importantly, provide you with time for the more enjoyable things in life!

Sustainable Fitness

  • Remember all the times you went all-in at the gym, only to stop completely shortly after? The three-times-a-week workout plan is a sweet spot for most people who lack time or simply desire a balanced lifestyle. It allows you to dedicate yourself to other passions, hobbies, and relationships while still achieving remarkable fitness results. Say goodbye to the monotony of living in the gym and embrace a sustainable approach that fits seamlessly into your life.

Reduces risk of Injury and Burn Out

  • Exercising three times a week strikes a balance between challenging your body and allowing ample time for recovery. This sustainable approach prevents burnout, reduces the risk of overuse injuries, and enhances long-term adherence to your fitness regimen. By avoiding the relentless grind of daily workouts, you'll find renewed energy and motivation to stay on track with your goals.

The Metabolic Boost of Weight Training

  • Resistance training, such as weightlifting, becomes a cornerstone of the three-times-a-week workout plan. Beyond building strength and sculpting your physique, weight training has an added benefit—it increases your metabolic rate. By boosting muscle mass, your body becomes a calorie-burning machine, even at rest. This metabolic advantage not only allows for greater flexibility in your diet but also supports long-term weight management.

Structured Progressive Workouts

  • To maximise your progress, it's crucial to have a structured and progressive workout plan. Incorporating periodisation techniques and gradually increasing the intensity, volume, or difficulty of your exercises ensures that your body continues to adapt and improve. With each session, you'll be one step closer to achieving your fitness goals.

Muscle…. Your Fat-Burning Ally

  • While cardio workouts are beneficial for cardiovascular health, relying solely on them may not yield the best results for fat burning. Building lean muscle through resistance training plays a vital role in increasing your metabolic rate, enabling your body to burn more calories throughout the day. Harness the power of lean muscle to optimise your fat-burning potential, even during periods of rest or low-intensity activities.

So say goodbye to the days of overcommitting and burning out at the gym!  Three times a week is a sustainable and effective approach for most individuals.  It allows you to maintain a balanced lifestyle while achieving remarkable fitness results. Remember, life is about more than just living in the gym! Embrace a workout plan that fits seamlessly into your life and allows you to pursue other passions.

If you need guidance on designing a personalised workout plan or have further questions, I'm here to help. Book a free 15-minute consult call with me to discuss your fitness goals and explore how we can work together to achieve them.

Remember, quality workouts combined with a balanced life are the keys to sustainable results!


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