Top 5 Mistakes You Might Be Making Whilst Trying To Get In Shape

These mistakes can prevent you from building muscle and achieving your fitness goals, so let’s dive into what they are…

1. ❌ Not following a proper workout plan.  Many people make the mistake of going to the gym without a specific plan in mind. This can lead to aimless wandering around the gym, not targeting the right muscle groups, not progressing in your workouts and not pushing yourself to your full potential.

✅ It's important to have a structured workout plan that includes a variety of exercises that target all the major muscle groups.

2. ❌ Not lifting heavy enough weights.  If you want to see results and get toned, you need to challenge your muscles by lifting heavy weights. Many people make the mistake of sticking to the same light weights and high reps, which can be good for endurance, but won't help you build muscle and tone up if you stay doing the same high rep exercises all the time.  It’s actually pretty hard to build muscle without the right strategy so don’t be afraid of lifting heavier weights.

✅ Aim to lift weights that are challenging but still allow you to maintain proper form.

3. ❌ Not focusing on compound exercises. Compound exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench press are great for building strength and tone because they work multiple muscle groups at once. Many people make the mistake of focusing too much on isolation exercises, such as bicep curls and tricep extensions, which are less effective for building overall strength and tone.

✅ Aim to incorporate compound multi-joint exercises into your workouts to hit as many muscle groups as possible.

4. ❌ Not giving your muscles enough time to recover.  Building tone and muscle requires time for your muscles to recover and grow.  Many people make the mistake of working out the same muscle groups every day, without giving them time to rest and recover. 

✅ Make sure to incorporate rest days into your workout routine and switch up the muscle groups you focus on each day.

5. ❌ Not tracking your progress.  Building muscle takes time, and it's important to track your progress along the way. Many people make the mistake of not tracking their lifts or their body measurements, which can make it difficult to see if you're making progress. 

✅ Keep a workout log and take progress pictures to help you stay motivated and see the results of your hard work.

Make sure to have a structured workout plan, lift heavy weights, incorporate compound exercises, allow enough time for muscle recovery, and track your progress.  By avoiding these mistakes, you can improve your chances of building muscle and making progress in the gym.

If you need more detailed help then you might be a fit for coaching….

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