How Bill, My 47 Year Old Client From The USA, Shed 21 Pounds While Doing Zero Cardio (and in only 90 days)
Step 1 - Set Yourself Up For Success
You can't know where you're going unless you know where you're starting from.
Bill was tracking every metric that mattered in his career but when it came to his body he wasn't tracking anything.
So it was time to change that.
First, we tracked his basic numbers regularly: his weight, inches (chest, waist, hips), sleep, stress, hunger levels and progress photos.
I know it sounds basic but you'd be surprised how many people who want to get lean don't track these out of fear or laziness.
"What you measure you manage" - Peter Drucker
The key here is knowing your numbers if you want to improve them.
Once you know where you're starting from you can set the destination and then reverse engineer backwards and create a sustainable plan with time bound goals.
At the start of the program Bill had sent me all of this data as well as his workout preferences/maximum time he wanted to workout etc as that way then I can customise my clients plans individually from the data and their preferences provided.
Bill knows that I am not interested in dictating to clients what they “need” to do as that often isn’t sustainable or practical for their life.
I want us to agree together at the start what is realistic for the clients I work with so that way it is much easier for them to stick to the plan and get results.
Step 2 - Shred Body Fat But With Zero Restrictions
When we first started working together Bill's diet was mainly not eating all day and then just eating at night as he is on the road a lot with his career.
So many people focus on "what to eat" and while that is important just as important as that is "how you eat"
What do I mean by that?
Well one of the things we did was to spread out his food a bit more because not only then did he not feel as hungry at night and then overeat
But ideally you want to have protein spread out throughout the day to keep your metabolism high.
Protein takes a lot of effort by the body to digest so it has a high thermal effect aka burns calories to digest.
We can only really absorb around 30-50g of protein in one go and so just eating a few big meals isn’t ideal if we are trying to increase our metabolism.
Now if you prefer only eating say 2 meals a day that isn’t a problem but it wasn’t working for Bill as it led to him overeating at night.
Hence why I customise everything I do for my particular clients lifestyle
Because one of the main principles to our diet is that it needs to be sustainable and work for you and your individual preferences and lifestyle.
This means adding in flexibility and avoiding the need to go "all or nothing" or be perfect with it.
If Bill wanted to go out for dinner with the family, I encouraged him to do so and gave him a strategy around that so he could still enjoy food while still losing weight
I want my clients to live a normal life and enjoy the process rather than feeling isolated like they need to eat chicken and broccoli while everyone else enjoys pizza... That would be sad times indeed (small violin plays in background ​​🎻)
Step 3 - Do The Minimum Effective Exercise Dose
Bill has a busy family life and hectic work schedule, like pretty much all of my executive clients, so he didn’t have hours to spend in the gym - who does?
Heck, even I don’t spend hours in the gym!
However, the right structured periodised workouts are an integral part of any transformation plan because they help you to keep hold of your muscle mass while losing weight aka keep your metabolism nice and high (the rate you burn fat at rest).
So I opted for efficient 45 min workouts 3 times a week while setting a habit of walking to get Bill more active as he sits a lot in his job.
By opting for the minimum effective dose of workouts we used walking as a means to calm his body and brain while burning some calories too!
Final Step - Accountability and Support:
Bill recognised the importance of accountability.
Hence why he hired me as his coach.
Bill invested in himself
My coaching is at a premium price because I have found that people who pay, well they pay attention….
They follow the plan
So Bill wasn’t going to let himself down and he hasn’t!
Coaching is the ultimate way to go from where you are to where you want to be.
If you've ever done coaching in some area of your life you know there are micro-adjustments to be made.
There is also a massive psychological component to it.
Aside from having a plan and taking action you must change the mind to change the body.
Awareness and reflection are some of your tools to make this happen.
Sharing his goals with me created a sense of responsibility and motivation.
Where do we go from here?
Bill is still working with me to lose the last 15lbs and then we will exit the dieting phase strategically through a reverse diet so he can keep his results but on higher calories.
After that our next step is to add some muscle to his frame.
Muscle is the compound interest of the metabolism.
Plus, it doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, your body looks amazing when you build it properly and that requires strategy.
But even now just 90 days later he's in a new place where he's happy with his body and confident about the possibilities.
There are a million other things I didn't mention but this is the basics of what we did in 90 days.
Obviously the details are very different for everyone due to their own individual stats and lifestyle
But really the hardest part is getting started.
Stick to the plan and results are sure to follow.
I hope this helps you in your journey.
Onwards and upwards 🚀
You can have it all with the right strategy….
Always remember that strategy is your friend.
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P.S Whenever you are ready you can take the first step to us working together by booking a free no obligation call.
By us working together, I can simplify and strategically plan your weight loss journey for you without you having to give up your favourite foods or do endless cardio to get results that last.
You can take the first step by booking in for a free 15 min call here