Your Three Phase Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss That Lasts

Starting on a weight loss journey is often met with enthusiasm, at the start we are all so motivated but alas motivation wanes for most of us once we have met our goal, or even before that sometimes, so the real challenge lies in maintaining those hard-earned results.  

This is why before and after pics are great, but I always say, what does that person look like a year or two down the line?  

Unfortunately most people are right back where they started or, even worse, have put on even more weight than when they began…. Sad times indeed.

Therefore KEEPING your results is where the real key to your success lies.

In this article, we'll explore the common struggle of keeping weight off and unveil a strategic three-phase approach to ensure sustainable and long-lasting success.

For Over 10 Years I Have Looked Like The After Pictures

Results That Last Are The Only Measure Of Fitness Success That Matters To Me

(really should of cleaned that mirror)

The All-Too-Common Struggle:

Many individuals find it relatively easy to shed pounds initially but struggle with weight maintenance. 

The key lies in understanding that sustainable weight loss is not just about losing weight, it's about having a strategic roadmap to follow to exit the dieting phase successfully and creating a plan to follow that supports maintaining those results over the long term.

Phase 1: Strategic Dieting with a Twist

The first phase of weight loss should involve a strategic dieting approach that incorporates diet breaks and a mindset shift around ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods.

Diet Breaks

Introduce periodic breaks into your diet plan. This not only helps prevent metabolic adaptation (aka your rate of fat loss comes to a halt) but it also reduces the psychological stress associated with prolonged calorie restriction. 

Having a few weeks of eating high calories and fully enjoying the foods you love during these breaks can curb the desire to binge on restricted items later and also helps your metabolism to stay nice and high.

I like to give my clients diet breaks of 1-2 weeks depending on where they are in their weight loss journey/whether they have a trip coming up/how they are mentally feeling on the plan etc.

Don’t worry that this will ruin your results, often a strategic diet break does your metabolism and mindset the world of good.

No Food Restrictions

Avoid the pitfalls of extreme restrictions and cutting out the foods you love.  Allow yourself to enjoy the foods you love but just don’t go wild on them every night.  

For a former all or nothing person like myself, many years ago this would have been completely out of the question as I couldn’t have anything in the house without eating it.  

Now my cupboards are full of treats, treats that I don’t eat all in one night. 

So this may seem completely out of the question for you, but it can be done with the right strategy and a mindset shift around food.  

One of the reasons I no longer suffer with this is that having no food off limits prevents the creation of a deprivation mindset, reducing the likelihood of binge eating…  We always crave the foods we have been told strictly not to have.

For example when I was 45lbs/3 stone heavier I used to suffer with binge eating myself as I would be ‘perfect’ on my diet, but when I fell off, I reallllyyyyyy fell off, and then basically I would just go wild all weekend with food as in my mind ‘I’d ruined it now anyway’ so I’d just start my diet again on Monday.   

But I found a solution, so I don’t suffer with that anymore, and that solution is one of the strategies I pass onto my clients.

Phase 2: The Art of Reverse Dieting

Most people once they reach their weight loss goal have no strategy on how to keep their results or even how to exit the fat loss phase effectively.

This usually leads to going wild on food as ‘hurrah my diet is over’.  Unfortunately that’s a one way street to just regaining the pounds you just lost… Not ideal.  

Also most people need a goal and a target to work towards so that's why weight loss targets can work so well for some people as they are aiming for something, but if you are aiming for nothing, well, once you finish your diet then you will most likely just slip back into old habits and… Hello old weight gain once more.

Therefore once you've achieved your weight loss goals, it's time to set a new goal of strategically transitioning out of the fat loss phase through reverse dieting.

Reverse Dieting is a process where you gradually increase your calorie intake in a controlled manner pushing certain macronutrients (carbs/proteins/fats) up to boost your metabolism aka the rate you burn fat. 

This strategic process helps prevent rapid weight gain that often occurs when transitioning directly from a calorie deficit to maintenance or surplus. 

Properly executed reverse dieting ensures that your metabolism adapts to the increased calorie intake without packing on the pounds meaning you can eat way more and keep your results for life - Winner.

Phase 3: Sustaining Results with Higher Calories

The final phase is all about maintaining your weight while enjoying higher calories.

Enjoy the Benefits

Embrace the freedom of maintaining your weight on higher calories. This phase is about living a life that aligns with your health and fitness goals while still enjoying the foods you love.

Set New Goals

Maybe now you’ve lost the weight you want to be a bit more toned or build a body you love, well it’s time to create a strategy around that.  

Building a body you love is a whole different plan that involves multiple phases over time so this is a good goal to have as it will also keep you focused on a goal ahead to aim for.

By having new goals you are always working towards something and less likely to slip back into bad habits.

In Conclusion

Shedding pounds and gaining confidence is not a quick fix but a lifelong journey that needs to be done with a clear roadmap of how to get from A to B without sacrificing your lifestyle or the foods you love. 

By strategically navigating these three phases, you're not only achieving sustainable weight loss but also building a foundation for a healthier and more confident you. 

Remember, it's not just about losing weight.

It's about KEEPING the results you've worked so hard to achieve!

I hope you got some value out of today article!

Always remember that strategy is your friend.  

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P.S Whenever you are ready you can take the first step to us working together by booking a free no obligation call.

By us working together, I can simplify and strategically plan your weight loss journey for you without you having to give up your favourite foods or do endless cardio to get results that last. 

You can take the first step by booking in for a free 15 min call here


Elevate Your Fitness Journey: Proven Tips for Consistency! 💥


How Bill, My 47 Year Old Client From The USA, Shed 21 Pounds While Doing Zero Cardio (and in only 90 days)