The Winding Path Of Weight Loss: Why We Should Not Lose Heart By The Inevitable Ups and Downs

Embarking on a weight loss journey often comes with expectations of a consistent, downward trajectory on the scale. Well that would be amazing!  But alas no…

The reality is far from linear which unfortunately means some people throw in the towel if the scale doesn’t change in a few days, I’m here to tell you why you shouldn’t.

Weight loss is a complex process influenced by various factors, and understanding the reasons behind its nonlinearity is crucial for maintaining motivation and avoiding unnecessary panic when the scale fluctuates.

So let’s dive in…

1. Water Weight and Retention

One of the primary reasons for weight fluctuations is water retention.

Our bodies tend to hold onto water for various reasons, such as increased sodium intake, hormonal changes, or even muscle soreness after a workout. 

If you stop eating carbs it looks like you have lost weight quickly but this mainly water weight as carbs hold 3g of water per g of carbs.  

It's essential to recognise that these fluctuations do not necessarily reflect changes in fat mass.

Also carbs are the best, poor carbs getting a bad reputation…  They actually help you build muscle which helps you to increase your metabolism aka the rate you burn fat at rest.

Carbs are our friend when used strategically.

2. Muscle Gain:

Engaging in regular exercise, especially strength training, can lead to muscle gain.

When incorporating strength training into your fitness regimen, you may be building lean muscle mass while simultaneously losing fat, this is good and we want to do this but it may not reflect on the scale.

Since muscle is denser than fat, the scale may not accurately show your progress. 

So instead of focusing solely on the number on the scale, consider tracking changes in your body composition and how your clothes fit.

3. Hormonal Influences:

Hormonal fluctuations, especially in women, can play a significant role in weight changes. 

Menstrual cycles, stress, and other hormonal shifts can lead to temporary weight increases.

Understanding and accepting these natural bodily changes is crucial to maintaining a healthy mindset throughout the weight loss journey.

4. Digestive Variability:

Day-to-day changes in your digestive system can impact the number on the scale. 

Factors such as fibre intake, meal timing, and hydration levels can lead to variations in weight.

If you ate a load of food over the weekend then it is taking its time to pass through your system…. 

It's important to focus on long-term trends rather than getting discouraged by daily fluctuations as your weight will fluctuate no matter how ‘perfect’ you are.

5. Plateaus and Adaptation:

Weight loss is not a constant process; it often involves periods of plateaus. 

Your body may adapt to changes in diet and exercise, slowing down the initial rapid progress. 

This adaptation is a natural part of the weight loss journey, and it's essential to stay consistent and patient during these phases and have a plan of attack on how to get over the plateau if it has been longer than 2 weeks with no results.

How to Handle Non-Linear Weight Loss

1. Focus on Non-Scale Victories:

Shift your focus from the scale alone.

Celebrate improvements in energy levels, your clothes fitting better and overall well-being.

Non-scale victories provide a more overall view of your progress.  

2. Track Trends, Not Daily Fluctuations:

Instead of fixating on daily weight changes, observe the overall trend over weeks and months. 

This perspective provides a more accurate representation of your weight loss journey.

3. Trust the Process:

Understand that weight loss is a journey with ups and downs. 

Trust the process, stay consistent with healthy habits, and don't let short-term fluctuations dictate your overall progress.

4. Reassess Goals and Adjust Expectations:

Periodically reassess your weight loss goals and adjust expectations based on realistic, sustainable outcomes. 

Setting achievable milestones can help you stay motivated without fixating on the scale alone.


Weight loss isn't a straight line, and that's perfectly normal. 

Embrace the journey with all its fluctuations, focus on the bigger picture, and appreciate the positive changes happening beyond the numbers on the scale. 

By understanding the reasons behind non-linear weight loss, you can approach your journey with a healthier mindset and greater resilience. 

Remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

If you feel like you want some help then you can book your free 15 minute call here  (it’s just a chat about your goals to see if I can help, I don’t sell you anything on this call)

If after that you wanted to know more, then by us working together, I can simplify and strategically plan your weight loss journey for you without you having to give up your favourite foods or do endless cardio to get results that last. 

If you aren’t already subscribed to my free newsletter then I send out articles every week on all things weight loss but without giving up your favourite foods or doing endless cardio…

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