Break the Cycle and Crush Your Health Goals This Year

So, January's here again, and everyone's talking about resolutions.

I get it, it's easy to roll your eyes and think it's just another round of the same old song. 

Personally I prefer goals as resolutions are just vague wishes generally. 

Goals make us pause and figure out what we truly want.

But as well as having goals we also need a clear roadmap of how we are going to get from point A to point B (without suffering in the process preferably).

So let’s dive into what that means….

I hear time and time again unspecific goals, ‘I just want to be healthier’, ‘I just want to feel good again’, but let’s break that down further so we can track our goals and actually get results…

Key Questions to Ask Yourself

So let’s say you want to be healthier, let's get specific about what that actually means.

  • Do you want to fit back into those old clothes in your wardrobe without feeling like a stuffed sausage?

  • Do you want to be able to take your top off and feel good about yourself?

  • Do you want to stand up and present a meeting feeling confident you’re showing up as the best version of yourself?

  • Do you want to feel desirable to your partner and have body confidence?

  • Do you want to be able to run around with your kids without feeling like you’re tired or embarrassed for being unfit and overweight?

  • Do you want to have more energy in the day and be more mentally on point in meetings and for tasks?

  • Do you want to get more quality sleep? How much?

  • Do you want to lose 20lbs, 10lbs, 5lbs?  By when?

  • Do you want to run for 20 minutes without feeling like you'll keel over? 

Health is a very broad term, but what do you ACTUALLY want to achieve? 

Write it down!  Let’s get specific.

Another common mistake people make…

People commonly say well ‘I just know I just need to get to the gym.’ 

Ok, fair point, but you’re not looking at the reasons behind what has prevented that from happening in the past.

Have you said you will go to the gym every afternoon but then you always seem to get a work task put in your diary at the last minute or a work meeting went over so you never made it to the gym that day?  

If you know this is probably going to happen, what can you do to reduce the barrier that you will not make it in the afternoons like you planned?  

The mistake is thinking you can declare you're hitting the gym five times a week and life won't throw a curveball. 

Spoiler alert—it will. 

Life happens, but the real question is, will it throw you off like last time?

Maybe you are planning to ‘force’ yourself to go in the evenings, if you know that this isn’t for you then think about setting your alarm a bit earlier and making mornings your thing.

Alternatively, squeeze in a few sessions on the weekend if weekdays are too hectic.

The key is to be realistic about when you'll actually go.

Bottom line? It's time to break the cycle. 

Reverse engineer where you went wrong last time trying to lose weight and fix it. 

Make a change in your planning and let's get this right this time.

Do you have a Plan?

A big mistake I see time and time again is not detailing a plan of action on how to achieve your goal.

If time efficiency is important as well as optimal results aka not wasting your time doing random crap in the gym because it worked in your 20’s…

Then you should be following a structured program so you have a roadmap to get to your goal instead of just winging it and hoping to get results that never come or are short lived.

Remember you would not do this in your career, so why do you treat your health this way?

So let’s Make a Plan

You need a strategy so that you have a roadmap and a plan of exactly how to get to your goal. 

 So ask yourself these questions…

  • You said you want to lose 20lbs, when do you want to lose it by?  3 months, 6 months, 1 year?  

  • What nutritional strategy are you going to follow to achieve that goal that isn't going to wreck your metabolism? (answer is not a detox or crash diets)

  • What kind of training are you going to do in the gym?

  • How long will your gym session be and how many days a week?  

  • What kind of training will you be able to continue with when the initial high of motivation fades?

  • If you like weight training then what weight training program will you do and how will you modify it if your results plateau? 

  • What's the rate of fat loss per week you want to have? 

  • What amount of protein do you need to eat per day to achieve optimal results? 

  • Where are you going to start your calories to lose weight?  

  • At what point in your dieting journey are you going to reduce your calories?  

  • When are you going to have a diet break to keep your metabolism high and avoid metabolic adaptation? 

  • How are you going to alter your plan if you stop getting results? 

  • Once you achieve the desired result how are you going to keep it?

  • What is your strategy around exiting the dieting phase to keep your results but without having to stay on a diet forever?

  • What exact steps will you follow in your reverse diet so you can keep your results?

  • How will you ensure you won’t yo-yo back with your weight?

I could go on, trust me I am the queen of questions and being specific, because that is how to keep your results for good but essentially ask yourself…

What is the Plan of Action!

Where you want to go and when you want to achieve it by matters so that you know that you are on track.  

Yes we want to hit goals but we need to detail how we are going to get there.

That goal will be achieved through the strategy you have now and the small steps you take each day to achieve it. 

So you can’t hope for the best and get the end result as that's just hoping for the best.

This is why I work with people as I help people crush their goals.  

If you invested in yourself you would be blown away by the results you could get.

History repeats itself if nothing changes.

If you're serious about crushing your goals, invest in yourself. 

Stop hoping for the best and start planning for it.

This is why I'm here—I help people like you break the cycle. 

Invest in yourself, and let's make this year different. 

Your goals are within reach, but it's going to take more than good intentions. 

It's time to get real, get a plan, and get moving.

Let's make it happen.

Book your free 15 minute call here 

By us working together, I can simplify and strategically plan your weight loss journey for you without you having to give up your favourite foods or do endless cardio to get results that last. 

If you aren’t already subscribed to my free newsletter then I send out articles every week on all things weight loss but without giving up your favourite foods or doing endless cardio…

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The Winding Path Of Weight Loss: Why We Should Not Lose Heart By The Inevitable Ups and Downs


High Fives for Habits! 🙌