Eating ice-cream whilst still losing weight…. Hell yes!

I love ice-cream and eat it every day... Yes even if I am in a fat loss phase!

This was one I had in London and it was hella delicious. I even travelled on multiple tubes to find this specific ice-cream place…. You might say my dedication to ice-cream is strong 😂

It's not your fault that you've been lied to that certain foods will cause you to gain weight.

I used to see ice-cream as a 'bad food' that I would ban myself from when I was trying to lose weight (which I was 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 trying to do).


My hella delicious ice-cream

These days I don't see any foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Demonising a food in your mind makes it way more appealing.

We naturally want what we are told we cannot have.

We start to crave it.

We eventually give in and go on a massive food binge over the weekend and then feel guilty that we have ruined all of our hard work from the week when we were being so 'good'.

But in reality some foods are just more calorific and have less nutrients than others.

Some foods have higher levels of nutrients and less calories.

I eat both types of food daily now as I’m in control now.

Food no longer calls my name from the cupboards (if you know you know 😉)

There is no one food or food group that will cause weight gain in isolation.

If you just start changing your strategy for how you eat you too will start losing weight whilst enjoying tasty treats.

Do you struggle with food and have been on a bunch of restrictive boring bland diets in a quest to achieve your goal?

Me too! But I found a solution where now I eat whatever I like and stay in shape and so do my clients…

Get in touch and I’ll help you become irresistible whilst eating whatever you fancy.


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