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Strategies, teachings and tips & tricks to help you to create your dream body and live life optimally.

Who You'll be Hearing From….

A 17-year industry veteran, Helen Parker is the founder of her worldwide online training company Helen Parker Fitness. She helps people to take the pain out of losing weight with strategies backed by science and not the latest fad.

Helen Parker Helen Parker

Your Three Phase Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss That Lasts

Discover how KEEPING your results is where the real key to your success lies.

In this article, we'll explore the common struggle of keeping weight off and unveil a strategic three-phase approach to ensure sustainable and long-lasting success…

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

Ditch the Diets: How to Lose Weight While Still Loving Your Meals

Embarking on a weight loss journey doesn't have to be synonymous with deprivation and tasteless meals.

In fact, the secret to effortless weight loss lies in unlocking the potential of your metabolism, embracing higher-protein foods, infusing your dishes with aromatic spices, and making savvy substitutions.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the keys to achieving your weight loss goals while relishing every bite.

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

Break the Cycle and Crush Your Health Goals This Year

So, January's here again, and everyone's talking about resolutions.

I get it, it's easy to roll your eyes and think it's just another round of the same old song.

Personally I prefer goals as resolutions are just vague wishes generally.

Goals make us pause and figure out what we truly want.

But as well as having goals we also need a clear roadmap of how we are going to get from point A to point B (without suffering in the process preferably).

So let’s dive into what that means….

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

High Fives for Habits! 🙌

High Fives for Habits! 🙌

5 Tiny Changes That Can Lead to Massive Weight Loss Results.

You might be feeling the Christmas pounds piling on so in this blog post, we're going to explore the incredible power of tiny habits and their impact on achieving massive weight loss results, so let’s dive in…

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

10 Tips to Master Your Holiday Nutrition Without Sacrificing Fun

The silly season is upon us which probably means your social calendar is bursting at the seams. Even if you’re a little bit of a hermit, you will likely have Christmas plans that revolve entirely around a lot of calorie-dense foods.

So, here’s a few tips and tricks that will help you navigate your nutrition this silly season…

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

Unlocking the Mystery

Today I explain 5 reasons why your weight loss may be stuck and why your results can slip away, lets dive in and help you break through your weight loss plateau…

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

The Truth About Losing Belly Fat

Today we dive into how to get rid of the dreaded belly.

This article debunks the myth that sit-ups are the best way to achieve belly fat loss, so let’s dive in…

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

The Illusion of Fad Diets….

Today we dive into The Illusion of Fad Diets

In this article I go into 5 Reasons Why Fad Diets Aren't the Answer to Lasting, Sustainable Fat Loss….

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

The Top 4 Reasons Why Weightlifting Accelerates Weight Loss for Everyone, Regardless of Gender

Are you tired of slogging through traditional weight loss methods, hoping for results that seem to never come or at best, only stay for a few months?

In today's free download I’ll be unveiling the powerful benefits of weightlifting that apply to EVERYONE, regardless of gender. This download delves even deeper into the advantages of weightlifting and provides you with valuable insights to propel your progress further…

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Helen Parker Helen Parker

Breaking Down Your Weight Loss Goal: From Overwhelming to Achievable

Are you tired of starting your weight loss journey and not knowing what direction to go in?

In this blog post, I will guide you through the process of reverse engineering your weight loss goal, helping you to create a strategic plan that will lead to the success you deserve…

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